From their beady little eyes, over sized teeth and tiny claws – rats are not the most loved creatures. While the sight of one can have you shriek – there are a few reasons to be afraid of these unwanted pests!
Rats are extremely flexible! They can move their bodies in the most surprising ways! Think of them as tiny contortionists that can fit through the smallest openings and spaces. This means they can easily get into your home!
Rats can reproduce at an alarming speed! A female rat has the capability to mate 500 times in a 6 hour period, 15 times a year! They can produce 2000 offspring in just one year.
A rat’s teeth are dangerous! Their jaws are quite strong, capable of chewing through wood, cement and even some pipes! Chewing is essential for a rat. Their teeth are continuously growing at a rate of 5.5 inches per year! Chewing helps them wear them down to a manageable size.
They are full of germs! Rats are known as carriers. They reside in some of the dirtiest places! They are often found in sewers, dumpsters or other unsanitary areas. They are known to transmit various diseases that are fatal to humans! These include the plague, Salmonellosis, and Weil’s disease.
Rats are quick and stealthy! If you do happen to catch one during the day (which is rare since they are nocturnal), don’t be fooled! Simply laying out a few trips may not solve the problem. Rats easily adapt and they are known to take food from traps. They will sometimes eat the bait in small doses, so they may realize it is bad for them before consuming it all!
If you find a chewed up corner on a box of cereal, rat droppings around your home, or worse – you’ve spotted one, call Advantage Pest Control! We are your Toronto rat experts.
– Paolo Bossio
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