A cluster fly is a large type of fly, which looks similar to ordinary houseflies. Cluster flies have yellowish golden hairs on the thorax region of their bodies and have a checkered dark and light coloured pattern on their abdomen. Their wings overlap across their gut, allowing them to easily fly. They are considered household pests because they tend to infest houses, especially during the winter season. Cluster flies prefer hibernating in a warm and sheltered environment. Typically, they stay in loose tree bars or hollow trees, but at the end of summer days, they are common in sheltered houses or buildings.
While cluster flies are considered pests, they are harmless and don’t breed at home. However, a large number of cluster flies can become a health hazard. Therefore, it is essential to learn how to prevent cluster flies from infesting your home.
Prevention Tips
- Limit access to cracks and crevices in your house to prevent cluster flies from entering your home. You can fix or close the cracks with fillings, so that cluster flies can’t enter your house.
- Dusting and cleaning attics or dust-prone storage spaces can also help you get rid of cluster flies.
- Contact a pest control company that can professionally exterminate the flies.
If you have a severe infestation of cluster flies or any other pest problems, don’t hesitate to contact our pest control team in Toronto. Here at Advantage Pest Control, we want your home to be pest-free!
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