The Life of a Carpenter Ant
The life of a carpenter ant begins with the nuptial flight. This mating course usually happens in late spring or early summer. At this time, “swarmers” (male winged carpenter ants) mate with winged females. After mating, the females shed their wings and the males die off. Female ants then look for a new home to build their colonies.
The queen of the colony is essential to the life cycle of the carpenter ant. She creates the first batch of eggs and stays with them in a closed chamber until they become adult workers. It takes about three to six years to establish a stable colony of carpenter ants. The typical life cycle is about 6-12 weeks to grow from an egg to an adult. After the carpenter ant becomes an adult they are required to support the colony. They may forage for food, tend to eggs or look to broaden their nest.
Carpenter ants may be in full mating mode this time of year. Warning signs of carpenter ants include piles of wood shavings, faint rustling noises, or large winged ants hanging around walls, ceilings or crevices. Be sure to keep your eyes and ears alert!
If you are concerned about carpenter ants in your home, contact Advantage Pest Control in Toronto today! You can learn more about our ant services here:
– Paolo Bossio
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G. Pope.
Service was prompt and excellent. Wayne was helpful and returned when we called, excellent service thank-you for your help.