Fruit Flies – Summer Pest Prevention Tips
In the summer time we indulge in our favourite fruits – watermelon, strawberries, mangoes and the list goes on! Sometimes we leave these fruits out on our kitchen counters and notice they also seem to attract some pests – fruit flies! Summertime is their prime time to build their population. However, indoors they are active all year long.
The diet of a fruit fly consists of ripened fruit, vegetables and fermenting products. The populations grow in moist areas where standing water and organic materials are available.
So how can you tell you have an infestation problem? One sign is adult flies flying around trash cans or near decaying fruits or veggies. They are often also attracted to liquor or beer bottles.
To help prevent fruit flies, try to store your fruit in the refrigerator. If you discover any eggs in rotten fruit, dispose of it immediately. Here are some products we recommend to help with flies at Advantage Pest Control.
For more fruit fly solutions or any other pest control solutions contact us today at Advantage Pest Control in Toronto.
– Paolo Bossio
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