The summer season is almost upon us. With that comes mosquitos and of course mosquito bites! Do your friends always seem to avoid them however you always come home with at least a dozen bites? It really raises the question – do mosquitoes choose their meal?
As the temperatures climb, mosquitoes will be on the prowl! They do not look for the closest target when it comes to their bite. A mix of factors are involved when making this decision. From your blood type, to your body weight, to your sweat and carbon dioxide levels – many factors are considered! Although their bites seem harmless and just annoyingly itchy, they can cause some serious trouble! Mosquitoes can spread many diseases from their bites such as West Nile Virus, Malaria and Zika. The city of Toronto reports that their Public Health division carries out mosquito surveillance activities from the end of May until the beginning of September.
Make sure to take the time to protect yourself before heading outdoors this summer. Wearing light coloured and lightweight clothing will help as mosquitoes are attracted to dark colours – such as black, red, etc. If possible try to wear long sleeves or long pants at night. Advantage Pest Control also has multiple solutions to help ward off these pests and keep you bite free. You can shop Advantage Pest Control mosquito solutions online. Hope your summer is mosquito-less!
– Paolo Bossio
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