What goes bump in the night? Some pests do! Many of us believe that if we don’t see pests or signs of them, we must not have any. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Many pests can go unnoticed for a long time, as they are relatively sedentary and only make moves at night.
Here are some common pests that come alive in the night time:
These animals will use the nighttime hours to work on their “nests” or forage for food. Rat nests are often found in lofts, attics and within walls. They tend to use insulation, cardboard and other soft items to make their nests. Rats will scavenge your kitchen to find whatever food they can get their hands on. Sometimes gnawing through packaging to get at dry goods.
The most common species in Canada is the German cockroach. These bugs stay very hidden during the day-time, often found between cabinets and walls, and under the kitchen sink. Cockroaches will come out when it is dark, to feed on whatever crumbs and food residue they can find in your house.
These bugs hide in small cracks and crevices close to human rest spots. They are usually found behind baseboards, wallpaper, and inside furniture. They typically come out at night to feed on blood where ever they can find it, which is most often your bed (hence their name!).
Most spiders
The reason spiders are more active at night is instinctual, predators after spiders are more active during the day. Spiders are most likely to be found in upper corners, under furniture, and inside closets. They feed on insects. Seeing spiders in your home can be a sign of another pest problem at hand!
These pests are found making tunnels through substances like wood and drywall. They get nutrients from cellulose which is found in wood and plant matter. They feed on their tunnelling, allowing them to stay very hidden.
You can find centipedes near areas of moisture or dampness! Typically they are found in crawlspaces, bathrooms or potted plants. Similar to a spider or centipede, they come out at night to feed on other insects.
Nocturnal pests can be hard to recognize and even more tricky to eliminate. At Advantage Pest Control, Our Home Protection Plan is customizable to your specific needs and budget. Each visit, we focus on your pest concerns and prevention.
Contact us to set up a home examination and know for sure your home is pest-free! Advantage Pest Control serves Toronto and the GTA!
– Paolo Bossio
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